Friday 24 March 2023

Selecting the Right Boiler for Your Home

It’s vital to ensure that you can depend on your boiler throughout the winter. If you’re thinking about  selecting the right boiler  for your home, there are many factors you’ll want to consider. You need to consider things such as the venting, efficiency, and size requirements of your current boiler.
As temperatures drop, a reliable heating system becomes essential. If any parts of your current system are starting to show their age or have had issues, replace those components. You should pay particularly close attention to your home’s boiler. What Is A Boiler? Boilers are a heating source in most steam and water-based systems. By utilizing fuel sources like propane, oil, natural gas, wood, and electricity, boilers produce steam or hot water that provides homes with heat. The boiler distributes the heat through various sources, including radiant floors, baseboard convectors, fan-forced coils, and radiators.
If you’re in the market for a new boiler, you’ll find a wide array of options to choose from. You can consider high-efficiency boilers that can reduce heating costs. Although a new boiler can be a significant investment, it could pay for itself as time goes on, especially if your current boiler is over a decade old.
Many old models are more significant than they need to be and cannot heat homes efficiently. An extensive heating system leads to higher energy costs and more maintenance. If you’re not sure that your boiler is the appropriate size for your household, you’ll want to calculate the heat loss in your home. The heat loss will help you determine if it’s time to invest in a new boiler. Calculating Capacity  We measure boiler capacity by British Thermal Units (BTUs). BTUs represent how much energy it takes to raise the temperature of a pound of water by a single degree Fahrenheit. The BTU requirements of structures can vary based on many factors. It includes how well the property is insulated, the climate in the area, and how many doors and windows the property has.
Generally speaking, properties in hotter climates require a BTU of approximately 20 BTU per square foot. In a moderate climate, you’ll need a BTU of 35, while a BTU of 50 will be necessary for cold areas. If your home is 2,000 square feet and you have cold winters (such as Calgary, AB), you should look for a boiler capable of producing 100,000 BTUs or more. Evaluating Efficiency  One of the most important factors to consider when selecting a new boiler is the model’s annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating. AFUE describes how proficient the boiler is at transforming the fuel source into energy for generating heat. While it makes sense to look for a boiler with a high-efficiency rating, there are other factors you’ll have to take into consideration as well. You’ll want to consider the operating conditions the unit requires.
A boiler with an AFUE rating above 84% is considered a high-efficiency unit. The U.S. Environmentally Protection Agency has stringent guidelines that appliances must meet to receive Energy Star certifications. You may want to look for a unit with this certification. The majority of gas furnaces on the market day have AFUE ratings that fall between 89 and 98 percent. You can expect ratings anywhere from 80 to 90 percent for oil furnaces.
Some units can improve their efficiency with features, such as outdoor reset modulation. This feature adjusts based on the temperature outside. Since they don’t create any waste gas, it’s not unusual for electric boilers to come close to 100 percent efficiency. They can be a solid choice if you live in an area with reasonable electricity rates. Finding the Right Venting System  When selecting a boiler, it’s also essential to ensure that the venting system of the unit is compatible with your house. Direct and power-vent boilers send exhaust out through a vent in the home’s roof or sidewall using fans. Power-vent boilers require air from the interior of your home. It means that a technician must install them in open spaces.
A boiler that’s chimney-vented will naturally send exhaust through the home’s chimney. Condensing units produce condensation with a high acidity, which means they have specialized requirements for venting. Selecting the Right Boiler – Conclusion Although a new boiler can be a significant investment, it could pay for itself as time goes on, especially if your current boiler is over a decade old. If you’re not sure that your boiler is capable of keeping up, then it may be time to find a new one.
You’ll want to calculate the heat loss in your home and determine if it’s time to invest in a new boiler. Generally speaking, you should look for a unit with an AFUE rating of at least 84 percent. Finally, you’ll also want to verify that your venting system is compatible with the boiler you’re considering purchasing.
The post Selecting the Right Boiler for Your Home appeared first on Furnace Repair Calgary.

Monday 20 March 2023

Commercial Plumbing Emergency Tips

Tips for Commercial Plumbing Emergency

When dealing with plumbing problems in your house, it is a nightmare. However, commercial plumbing emergencies can potentially cause even more disasters and hassles. At best, it can impact business operations. At worst, commercial plumbing emergencies can jeopardize your customers' and employees' safety. Having a commercial plumbing emergency tips guide can help you save time, money, and lives.

We have compiled a list of commercial plumbing emergency tips to assist you in preparing for and dealing with workplace plumbing emergencies.

What Is Considered To Be A Plumbing Emergency?

Plumbing emergencies can be big or small. They can happen at any time and without warning. Here are the following examples of potential plumbing emergencies.

A Leak Or A Drip

Although these are not the most severe plumbing emergencies that you can experience, leaks and drips can vary in intensity and cost your money over time in the form of wasted water. On the opposite side of the spectrum are more severe plumbing emergencies. A leak or a drip is a plumbing emergency when lots of water leaks.

However, you also don't want to assume that a faucet with a minor drip is not a big deal. You may not be aware, but one leaking tap that drips three times a minute results in 104 gallons worth of wasted water each year. Although a minor leak that you cannot repair or locate yourself is not an emergency, you will need to call a plumber as soon as possible.

Standing Water

Unattended leaks are the leading causes of standing water. Backed-up drains are another potential cause. No matter the reason, standing water is a plumbing emergency since, along with the potential to cause permanent structural damage, the water can cause people to be susceptible to electrical hazards. For example, an electrical malfunction that would not ordinarily be dangerous could pose higher risks if it occurs near standing water.

Flooding Or Overflowing Water

Not only is flooding or overflowing water potentially damaging to your business operations. Moreover, it can also compromise the safety of employees and even customers by posing health and electrocution risks. Flooding and overflowing water is a serious plumbing emergency.

If the problem is isolated to one area, you can simply shut down that part of your business and fix the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, direct customers away from the affected area and notify your employees about what happened.

A Burst Pipe

Leaks that result in significant water damage are the most obvious commercial plumbing emergencies. Also, leaks that cause structural damage or flooding can be commercial plumbing emergencies. However, burst pipes are even more severe. Although the water loss is usually rapid, they typically do not affect people's health and safety.

High Water Pressure

If a loud bang accompanies a sudden extreme spike in water pressure, it is probably best to call a plumber immediately. This type of plumbing emergency can burst pipes and cause leaks, which result in electrical hazards if the leak is in standing water. Also, the high pressure itself can damage equipment and parts.

A Malfunctioning Water Heater

There are several reasons why water heater problems are a plumbing emergency. Although it happens very rarely, a water heater can explode in extreme situations. A plumbing emergency that is much more likely with the water heater is when the thermostat causes the water to become too hot and scald. Or suppose water is not heated adequately by a water heater. As a result, it can cause a sanitary problem, especially for specific commercial plumbing customers such as restaurants that need to do things like wash dishes.

What To Do When A Plumbing Emergency Arises?

Suppose you have a plumbing emergency such as one of those discussed above. To minimize damage and ensure everyone's safety at your business, follow the below instructions before calling a commercial plumbing company.

First, shut off the water supply to your site. Second, if you notice a leak, find an isolated area and shut off the tap or valves that control this part of the plumbing system. If you cannot reach it or underwater, call a plumber immediately for help. Also, be sure to check pipes outside to find the main water supply. The location of this faucet varies depending on your business, but it is typically close to where you have your meters or gas meter.

Moreover, if a specific fixture is overflowing, such as a toilet or washing machine, you can find the water shut off for the particular fixture. It will usually be located directly behind the fixture. However, some leaks are not associated with a specific individual shut-off.

Lastly, to avoid standing water plumbing emergencies, the main water shut-off for the whole building will need to be shut off. If you don't know how to do this, find out how to do it now. Then advise all employees of the shut-off valve location and instructions for shutting it off.

Breaker Box

Hopefully, it will be easy for you to find your breaker box. The circuit breakers are usually labelled and correspond to power in specific building parts. If that is not the case in your situation, you and some employees need to visit the breaker box and become familiar with it. For example, if there is standing water, shut the power off to that part of the building to eliminate the risk of electrical shocks. It can also be helpful during a plumbing emergency that involves a water heater.

Become Familiar With Your Water Heater

Is your business water heater electric or gas? If you have an electric heater, it is good if you have already checked the breaker box, as discussed earlier. If you have a gas heater, do you know the location of the gas shut-off valve? When your water heater ever overheats, this plumbing emergency will require you to immediately shut down the system to avoid more severe problems.

Moreover, turn the water valve off that feeds into your water heater. You should then be ready for commercial plumbing professional to come out to repair your water heater so you can return to business as usual.

If the valve is jammed, you need to shut it off at the source. If you cannot figure out how to do this, now is the time to call a plumber if one doesn't come within the next few minutes.

Summary - Commercial Plumbing Emergency Tips

No matter what type of commercial or residential plumbing emergency you have, our experienced professionals are ready to save the day. Our company offers same-day appointments 24 hours per day, and we guarantee all of our work. Call us after you complete the steps discussed above to help with your plumbing emergency. We will arrive as soon as possible.

Why Does Your HVAC Filter Get Dirty So Quickly?

Reasons For Having Dirty HVAC Filter

As a responsible homeowner, it is up to you to ensure that you replace your HVAC filter on time. However, you might need to do more than ensure that you replace the air filter on schedule in some cases. If you notice that your filter is full of dust, hair, and other debris at the replacement time, you may be interested in finding out what might be causing it to clog up faster than usual.

Several factors can cause your filter to clog up prematurely. But fortunately, there are steps that you can take to deal with these issues.

Reasons for Having Clogged HVAC Filter

Here are some of the common reasons why your filter may be clogging up faster than usual:

  • Pet hair. If you have a pet or shed a lot, this is most likely a major contributing factor to your clogged filter. You can deal with this issue through daily vacuuming combined with regular pet brushing.
  • Extreme temperatures. If your area constantly experiences extremely hot or cold weather, your system may be forced to work harder and for longer even if the fan is on "auto." You may need to reduce the time interval between replacements in such cases.
  • The fan set to "on." Thermostats typically have two fan settings; "on" and "auto." When you put the fan to "auto," it only runs when the system is either actively heating or cooling your home. On the other hand, if set to "on," it blows continuously, meaning that air will be flowing through the filter throughout. Setting it to "auto" will help extend the life of your filters.
  • The filter has a high MERV ratingMERV ratings indicate the size of particles that the filter can trap. The higher the rating, the smaller the particles. A thick, pleated filter will catch smaller particles than a low-cost fibreglass filter. However, it also means that it will clog up much quicker. In addition, it may also speed up the wear on your HVAC fan and reduce its energy efficiency. What's more, these filters are more expensive. Consult an HVAC technician for advice on your options and assistance in choosing the best one for your system and needs.
  • Dusty home. If your home is excessively dusty, perhaps due to a recent construction project or accumulated dust in rarely-used rooms, this dust will often end up in the filter.

A New Lease on Life


If your filter clogs up faster than usual, consider vacuuming off the surface of the filter. While this won't clean your filter, it will go a long way in minimizing the amount of hair and large particles. Remember that plenty of particles will still be trapped deep within the filtration media. This quick and straightforward step will help to stretch the filter for a couple of more days.

A better solution is to invest in an air purification system. Air purification systems eliminate any particles in the air before they reach the HVAC filter. If anyone in your household suffers from a respiratory condition or severe allergies, you may want to consider an air purification system. Also ideal for those who have multiple pets.

You can also consider switching to a reusable filter. Reusable filters are easy to clean using a garden hose or a vacuum attachment. To find out more about these filters, air purification systems or other viable solutions, consider reaching out to the home comfort experts at Furnace Repair Calgary.

Sunday 19 March 2023

Why Routine Cleaning is Critical to Air Conditioning Maintenance

Why You Need AC Cleaning

As days become sunnier, hotter, and longer, air conditioners across the country must come alive to offer necessary cooling. Millions of households in Canada rely on air conditioning in the summer. However, AC units cannot work efficiently without a bit of care and attention. That's why routine cleaning is critical to air conditioning maintenance.

Regular cleaning can help ensure that your cooling unit works optimally and your indoor air quality is pristine at all times. Your air conditioner will serve you diligently for many years if you are serious about AC cleaning and maintenance.

Here are some reasons why cleaning your air conditioning system is essential for AC maintenance.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

Pollen, dust, dirt, grease, and other contaminants are every air conditioner's worst nightmare. Moreover, they tend to build up over time within the cooling unit itself, clogging important components like coils and filters.

Accumulated debris also provides food for bacteria and fungi that live in warm environments with ample moisture. As airborne particles settle down upon surfaces, they also act as catalysts for the development of mould spores. Besides reducing your air quality, these contaminants pose health risks. It may range from minor allergies to asthma attacks and respiratory infections.

Cleaning an AC system helps reduce airborne contaminants. They may be hiding in gaps around the coils, around the ducts, and inside the evaporator and condenser.

Maintain AC Efficiency

Dirty air conditioners tend to lose considerable efficiency. It means that they use much more energy than usual to perform their cooling functions. Regular AC cleaning helps improve indoor air quality, reduces energy, and boosts performance.

Unclogged cooling coils ensure that air passes through the unit more efficiently, with less resistance. As a result, it promotes improved airflow and reduces wear and tear of all components.

Clean evaporator and condenser fins allow your cooling system to exchange heat with outdoor air. It reduces the load on compressors and fans. The result is enhanced cooling power and improved performance.

Prevent AC Breakdowns

Dirty components, clogged coils, and malfunctioning fans are a recipe for trouble in your cooling system. As a result, they contribute to breakdowns that can be costly to fix or replace.

Inspections by licensed technicians uncover issues with poor airflow early on. It allows you to address them before they create more significant problems. Poor AC maintenance and cleaning can also cause electrical issues. Therefore, it's crucial to hire a professional for tune-ups and inspections.

Protect the AC Warranty


Manufacturers of cooling units offer warranties against defects in materials for between 1 and 10 years. The exact warranty period varies from product to product and manufacturer to manufacturer.

Keeping your air conditioner clean and in good working order helps protect the warranty, reducing the risk of defects. That means you can enjoy factory-approved cooling power for longer without shelling out big bucks for high repair bills.

Maintain Healthy Lungs

Your HVAC system acts as your home's respiratory system, especially if you have a duct network with central AC and an air furnace. Maintaining your HVAC system is crucial to keep it working in good condition. Otherwise, dust will inevitably build up in the system. As a result, it may lower its efficiency and distribute the dust through the house and straight into your respiratory system.

How to Maintain Your AC System

You can follow the tips highlighted below to keep your HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently:

  • Clean or change out the air filters in your AC every month, or at whichever interval the unit's manufacturer specifies. Replacing filters is a simple task requiring no technical knowledge or expertise. When the filters get clogged with dirt and dust, the air conditioner uses more energy and works harder. Moreover, that debris ends up getting circulated throughout the house. As a result, it lowers air quality and aggravating respiratory illnesses and allergies among your family members.
  • Clean and service the entire unit annually. An HVAC professional should handle the cleaning. The cleaning will involve a thorough inspection of the system. It ensures everything is working and the internal components are clean and flawless. Your HVAC system can lose up to 5% efficiency each year without professional inspection and maintenance.
  • Remember to clean the ducts. If the air conditioner and furnace are the lungs, the vents are the blood vessels that transport clean air around the house. Ducts don't need regular cleaning, but you should have them checked every once in a while. Make sure they aren't harbouring a staggering amount of dust and debris or leaking or broken at any point.
  • Invest in a ventilator. A ventilator will help your HVAC system expel old and stale air and bring in fresh and clean air from the outside. With this, you don't recycle the same dirty air through the house over and over again.

Routine Cleaning is Critical to Air Conditioning Maintenance - Conclusion

Cleaning an HVAC system is easy and reasonably priced. You can compare the cost of cleaning your AC unit to the expenses you incur for repairs and replacement of a dirty, poorly maintained AC system.

The decision to schedule maintenance today will save you money and headaches in the future. Countless benefits are offered with proper HVAC maintenance.

If you have any queries regarding AC maintenance or want to book an appointment to have your AC cleaned, call your local HVAC expert today!

What Do MERV Ratings Mean?

What Are MERV Ratings?

If you have ever looked closely at HVAC filters when you replace them, you might have noted that every filter has its MERV ratings, which is a number with essential implications.

MERV stands for "minimum efficiency reporting value." The MERV rating, on the other hand, measures how effectively a filter is capable of removing particles from the air passing through it. The higher the MERV rating, the higher the number of particles the filter can catch.

Still, there's a flipside to this. Filters with a higher MERV rating usually feature denser filtration material, which means that extra force is needed to push air through the filter. It takes compelling HVAC fans to push air effectively through filters with the highest MERV ratings.

Find Your MERV Number

Using a filter in your HVAC system with a MERV rating that's too high could have the same effect as using a dust-clogged filter. An air filter with the wrong MERV number will struggle to push air through, which accelerates the wear on your system's fan and other components, leading to the need for more frequent repairs and service.

Check your system's documentation for the maximum MERV limit to make more thoughtful decisions regarding the type of filter to use in your HVAC system. If you use filters above the MERV limit, you will immediately hurt the energy efficiency, which will likely lead to more expensive problems in the future.

Once you know your available range of MERV ratings, you need to consider whether there are signs that more filtration is required than you enjoy currently. For instance, are there asthma or allergy sufferers in your household? Is there a pet that sheds? Does the home seem abnormally dusty? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, you can experience some relief by upgrading to a filter whose MERV rating is higher.

By the Numbers

MERV ratings range from 1 to 20. Filters in the 1 to 4 range are most common in residential HVAC systems, but it isn't uncommon to find homeowners using filters with MERV ratings as high as 8.

The following is a quick rundown of the filters of various MERV ratings that can filter out of the air:

MERV 1 to 4

The filters with these ratings catch large particles: carpet fibres, pollen, dust mites, dust, insects and some of their waste. You will find these filters mainly used in residential HVAC systems.

MERV 5 to 8

They are capable of caching finer dust particles, pet dander, aerosol spray particles, and mould spores. Some homes and most commercial and industrial settings use these filters.

MERV 9 to 12

The filters with these ratings are hardly ever used in residential buildings. However, they are common in certain commercial buildings and some hospital laboratories. They can capture welding fumes, automotive emissions, more significant bacteria, and lead dust.

MERV 13 to 16

You can find these heavy-duty filters in hospital surgical centers and other areas where filtration is critical, such as smoking lounges. They collect a comprehensive range of bacteria, oil droplets, smoke particles, and fine particles from sneezing.

MERV 17 to 20

You will find these top-of-the-scale filters in cleanrooms consisting of sensitive electronics and pharmaceuticals. They can catch carbon dust, viruses, along with the slightest smoke particles. You will most likely never have to use the filters with the highest MERV ratings, but anytime you turn your computer on or take a pill, you are benefiting from their filtration capabilities.

Prevent Health Issues Via Air Duct Cleaning

How Can Air Duct Cleaning Prevent Health Problems

When you think of heating and cooling systems, think of them as a building's lungs. The system breathes air in and out of the office or home through the air vents. When your heating and cooling is working correctly, you indoors are protected from air pollution. Nevertheless, it also means that your ducts will get dirty over time, leading to health issues for the building's occupants. Scheduling an air duct cleaning is necessary to avoid severe health issues.

With people spending nearly 90% of their time inside buildings, it is wise to consider this when installing heating and cooling systems in your home or office. The built environments become an essential part of our daily lives; thus, providing proper ventilation for the best air quality is crucial.

Healthy Work Environment

Indoor air quality is a prominent subject in the workplace. It is an issue of concern because it can significantly affect how people are regarding their health, comfort, and productivity. That is why the "sick building syndrome" is rife in many industries.

Studies suggest that one in four buildings in Canada are affected by sick building syndrome. Symptoms include:

  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • itchy skin
  • watering eyes
  • dizziness
  • hoarseness
  • nausea
  • cancer
  • mental fogginess
  • respiratory complications

Stress or unhealthy factors like poor ventilation in their work environments cause the above symptoms. Interestingly, workers say that these symptoms seem to ease when away from their offices or workplaces.

Inadequate ventilation is one of the lead causes of the sick building syndrome. Canadian building ventilation standards have historically prioritized energy conservation instead of proper ventilation and air quality. That is why workplaces have conditions that cannot promote the occupants' health and work comfort. Unmaintained and malfunctioning HVAC systems also increase the risk of indoor air pollution.

Healthy Home Environment

Energy-efficient homes use airtight construction to reduce air leaks. However, this can be a limiting factor for getting fresh indoor air. The NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) started the Breathing Clean Initiative dedicated to educating people about the importance and benefits of indoor air quality in their residential spaces. According to information and recommendations forwarded by the initiative, families generate significant air pollutants such as allergens like pet hair, dust, dirt, chemicals from cleaning products, and more.

Creating airtight buildings will thus mean pollutants cannot escape, thus ending up in the heating and cooling systems. The HVAC will recirculate the contaminants, spreading them throughout the house every time the system runs. It also means that dirt, harmful chemicals, and other pollutants will build up in the ducts, reducing indoor air quality.

Allergens and bacteria will thrive and circulate in the house via the heating and cooling system's ductwork. People with complications like asthma will be increasingly at risk of period asthmatic episodes because of the increased pollutants and allergens in the air.

Symptoms of Indoor Air Pollution

Nausea, a raspy throat, watery or irritated eyes, headaches, chronic fatigue, and itchy skin are common complaints associated with poor indoor air quality in the home and places of work. People prone to allergic reactions and asthmatics, seniors, and little children are considered more susceptible to the impacts attributed to inadequate indoor air quality.

Common issues that contribute to poor indoor air quality in buildings include:

- Inadequate ventilation

- Volatile organic compounds

- Mold

- Pets

- Particulates (dirt, pollen, and dust)

- Chemicals

What Can You Do?

Below are some of the measures you take to ensure that you enjoy and benefit from improved air quality:

1) Smoke-Free Environment

According to the WELL v2™ Pilot's Air concept, smoke detection in the workplace or at home lowers the risk of exposure to second-hand smoke. It also can reduce the risk of air pollution. Studies show that cigarette smoke contains over 400 different chemicals, meaning a child who inhales second-hand cigarette smoke is at risk of contracting cancer or asthma.

It also has been found that second-hand smoke can cause sudden infant death syndrome. The HVAC system can suck in these chemicals and recirculate them nearly five to seven times daily.

2) Mould Inspection

You can find the organisms that form moulds nearly anywhere. Mould, a type of fungus, can be harmless when in small amounts. However, things are riskier when the mould spores encounter damp conditions that promote their growth. Subsequently, these mould spores release into the air to be inhaled by humans.

The health complications and their severity depend on the mould type present and the affected person's extent of exposure. For instance, infants, kids, and seniors with pre-existing issues are at a greater risk of significant health complications. To mitigate this issue, WELL V2 recommends HVAC ducts, and cooling coils be inspected two to three times a year for mould growth and cleaning if necessary.

3) Air Duct Cleaning

NADCA says air duct and cooling coil cleaning are beneficial for homes and workplaces, primarily when evaluated and done by experienced professionals. However, cleaning the air vents and cooling coils is not a failproof solution for reducing the risk of indoor air pollution. Nevertheless, it can help increase energy efficiency by reducing the HVACs' energy demand when filtering indoor air and maintaining the desired room temperature.

NADCA also recommends hiring a reputable and experienced air duct cleaning company, preferably with the NADA certification that implies the cleaners adhere to the industry's standards.


Your indoor air quality can impact your health, more so when you consider the time you spend inside buildings. That is why it is best to know about the effects of poor indoor air quality and how to correct the situation to ensure you enjoy a healthy building environment.

How to Clean Your Air Conditioner and Stay Cool This Summer

Cleaning Your AC For Summer

Have you noticed your integral central air conditioning unit working harder these days? It's time to give it some attention in the cleaning department. Keep in mind that an air conditioner stays outside, exposed to the elements, leaves, dust, bugs, etc. That's why it's essential to clean your air conditioner.

We recommend that you fully clean your air conditioner at least once per year. You should clean it thoroughly at the start of spring to get rid of accumulated dirt and grime. And just as fall nears its end, give your AC a minor touch-up to keep it clean during winter. Why is it important to clean your AC, you may ask. Well, you will ensure your AC runs as efficiently as possible, which, in turn, lowers your utility bills. Additionally, an efficiently running AC does not overwork, which means parts will not wear down quickly.

While being vital, cleaning your AC can be a daunting task. It isn't as easy as wiping your floor, cleaning your bathroom, or dusting your living room. It's a more involved task. If you're interested in professional AC cleaning, make an appointment with Furnace Repair Calgary today!

However, if you want to DIY your way to an efficiently running AC, here is a trusted step-by-step guide to clean your Air Conditioner.

Related: MERV Rating Explained

Turn off Your AC

Shutting down your AC is the first and most crucial step to take. A typical AC uses a high voltage power supply running at 220 or 240-volts. It can be pretty dangerous if you're not careful.

To cut power from your AC, start by turning it off at the thermostat. The second step is to go to the circuit breaker box and turn off the breaker connecting to your AC outlet. Shutting down the AC at the circuit breaker ensures no electricity flows to your AC. And it is safe to open up.

Open AC Unit 

Your AC should be closed up pretty well to protect its components from the elements. To this end, open the door on your outdoor AC blower, giving you access to the evaporator coils. With some AC make and models, you need to remove the foil duct tape before unscrewing the screws that secure the door in place.

Please note that opening doing this yourself may void your warranty. Only proceed if you've confirmed that opening this part of your AC will not void your warranty.

Clean Your Air Conditioner's Coils: Three Alternatives 


AC evaporator coils are responsible for the actual cooling you experience in your home. Typically, the coils consist of copper. They absorb the heat inside your home and produce the cool that the AC supplies into your home's ductwork.

Evaporator coils are an essential component of the evaporation process. Water condenses on the evaporator coil during humid conditions, extracting moisture from your home. This component plays a vital role in keeping the coils clean. Dirty coils can consume 30% more energy compared to clean coils.

After opening the unit's door, you can access the evaporator coils. There are different ways you can clean the AC coils. We'll discuss all of the options you have. It would help if you also had the following tools:

- Coil cleaner spray (readily available at many hardware stores)

- Warm water and dish soap

- A soft brush to dust off coils

- Compressed air for the harder-to-reach crevasses

Evaporator Coil Cleaning Option #1: Using Brush Cleaning 

If your Ac's evaporator coils are relatively clean, you can opt to use a soft brush for the cleaning process. Ensure you use a soft-bristled brush that doesn't scratch the coils. However, the bristles should be firm enough to extract any grime and debris that's stuck in the coils.

Use a back-and-forth motion to remove all the dirt and debris until it's clean.

Evaporator Coil Cleaning Option #2: Air Compressor Cleaning

You can remove dirt and debris from the evaporator coils with an air compressor. The powerful compressed air is effective yet safe. Direct the air compressor nozzle from the clean side to the dirty side. Additionally, ensure you maintain consistent air pressure for the compressed air to be adequate.

Ensure you wear eye protection.

Evaporator Coil Cleaning Option #3: Warm Water and Detergent

A mixture of standard dish soap and warm water will work well to remove grime from your coil. Add the detergent-warm water to a spray bottle and then apply it to your coils.

Let the mixture sit for a little while before scrubbing the grime. Giving the solution some time to settle allows it to break up the debris. After scouring the grime, rinse any soapy water that remains.

After cleaning the coils, it's time to tackle the rest of the AC.

Inspect the Drain Plug

The drain plug allows the air conditioner to dehumidify your home during humid days. Without regular cleaning, it clogs up from mould and algae growth.

Most modern AC units come with a sensor to detect any clog. As such, they shut down until the clog is cleared, thereby protecting your AC. However, older AC will continue to operate, causing water to drip through the ceiling and vents as the water has nowhere else to go. If you have water dripping from your vents ceiling, you should immediately turn your AC off and call an HVAC technician.

To unclog a drain plug:

  1. Locate the drip pan at the bottom of the AC.
  2. Slide it out and extract the water using a wet/dry vacuum.
  3. If you have access to a compressor, use it instead.

It's more powerful and effective.

If the air compressor cannot force the debris from the drip pan, it's time to call professional help.

Clean The Area Around Your Air Conditioning Unit 

Hose down the dirt and cobwebs outside of the unit. Dirt, grime, cobwebs, anything that attaches to the AC unit might obstruct airflow, causing your AC to work inefficiently.

Remember to inspect around the base of the AC unit. Dirt can settle underneath the unit, lifting a part of the unit. An unlevel AC can cause damage, resulting in expensive repairs down the road.

Replace Your AC Filters

The final cleaning AC task is to replace the filter. You should replace these filters every three months, especially if your dog sheds a lot.

If you have a ductless mini-split AC, you can vacuum its filter and soak it to remove debris.

Clean Your Air Conditioner Today

It would help if you were diligent about cleaning your AC twice a year. Otherwise, the dirt and grime that find their way into the AC system will damage the unit, causing costly repairs and reducing the life expectancy.

If you have skipped the cleaning task and the dirt and grime in the AC are bad, consider calling an HVAC professional to give it a proper cleaning.For professional AC maintenance and cleaning, contact Furnace Repair Calgary today.